The Tahoe Douglas Visitors Authority, owners of the Tahoe South Events Center, in association with ICC, Perkins and Will, architects for the project, OVG 360, managers of the events center and CORE Construction West, hosted a Topping Off event at the Constuction site on May 6th.

The event, “We’re Topping Off, Come Join Us”, was open to all stakeholders, sponsors, contractors and the general public and was an opportunity for all in attendance to witness Rule Steel and DMS place the final support beam on to the events center truss structure roof. The over 200 guests were provided with the opportunity to sign the beam and watch as it was put in place. In addition, refreshments provided by Bally’s Lake Tahoe Resort, were available and everyone was provided with a beautiful etched glass commemorating the event compliments of CORE Construction.

Prior to, and after, the placement of the beam, guests were taken on guided tours of the events center giving all an opportunity to walk the site and see the progress that had been made over the past twelve months.